Grilled fava beans and a bowl full of cherries

Friday, June 04, 2010

"Beware the barrenness of a busy life." ~Socrates

Today, after reading a post on a blog that I enjoy (Zen Habits), I sat down to write about how I have a habit of driving myself nuts by over-loading my schedule. I was going to mention how there is a frenzy of thoughts in my head that convinces me that I must do everything all at once. I would tell you about my goal lists and to-do lists and lists of things to make lists of later. I would claim that, despite all this mania, I do have a "system" that keeps me somewhat organized.

I started reading through blog posts that I had written in the past and came across one from almost exactly a year ago. Apparently this driving-myself-nuts thing is a recurring theme for me!

From May 2009:
"I probably shouldn't admit this in public, but there are two people living in my head. One of them is barking at me to adopt the GTD (Getting Things Done) methodology to get my life organized. The other one is far more laid back and never uses the word "methodology". Part of me is panicking that my To Do list is out of control while another part of me is crazy excited about all kinds of new things that I want to try, learn, read, write...(i.e. add to my To Do list)..."   

Dear Me,
It's summer. Relax. Go outside. Splash, pedal, jump up and down. Whatever. Just stop to-do-ing.

I hope you will do the same. Now get out there and barbecue something! How about fava beans?

They are in season and taste fantastic tossed with olive oil and sea salt and grilled.

Maybe some fresh cherries, also in season, for dessert?

Happy Friday!

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