My new ritual for greeting the day

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Hello! I have officially survived the first full week of summer vacation and I feel like things are going well. I am even discovering new things about my kids- like that they both love bowling! Who knew?!

One concern that I had this season was about how I was going to manage finding enough time alone to get my workouts in. After considering my options- either take the kids to the gym with me or get up really early, I decided that I would start getting up early to exercise before my husband leaves for work in the morning. It isn't always easy to get out of bed but, I must say, that I am LOVING this time that I have carved out for myself. Not only do I get the exercise that I need physically, but I also get a little head-clearning "me time".

For the past 22+ years I have done the majority of my exercising in a gym. I am finding lately that I MUCH prefer being outside and away from crowds and annoying grunters and machine-sweat-coverers. Getting my nature fix first thing in the morning is almost meditative for me too. I have loved greeting my days this way!

Some early morning scenes: 

A mama turkey and two babies on the bike trail:

Sunlight and oak trees around 6:30am:

Me as a "biker chick":

There is also something about a morning workout that makes coffee taste even better- cheers!

Do you have an early morning ritual for greeting the day?

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